— Artist talk
Sunday, Oct. 6, 17:00 – Corneliu Mikloși Museum

Arcadie Botnaru is an emerging artist, educator, and independent researcher born in a small industrial town in northern Moldova. He holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s in experiential learning. Arcadie designs and facilitates non-formal educational programs that weave together experiential and artistic learning methodologies with theoretical perspectives from post-philosophies, feminist writings, and indigenous cosmologies, in an effort to create a posthuman pedagogical practice for a future planet. His ethical focus is on social justice and ecological equity.

Mădălina Ciocanu works with sound, education, ethnography, and research, among other areas. She is researching transdisciplinarity at Columbia University and produces and mixes music under the secret stage name BORȘ. She plays with sound, investigates collectivity, and explores the materiality of “producing”-composing-creating, having hosted the workshop “Ciulește Urechile,” which focuses on deep listening. Mădălina was born in Chișinău and spent the last 15 years in America, recently returning to this hemisphere. Her ethical focus is on dialogical pluriversality.

Part of the SONIC FUTURE RESIDENCIES project, initiated and coordinated by SEMI SILENT