— interactive installation, 2023
[glass, electronical broken components, plexiglas , sensors (humidity, temperature, distance, light), sound, raspberry pi, live generated sound]


Program ⟿ Museum
October 3-4: 6 PM – 8 PM
October 5-6: 4 PM – 8 PM

Photo: Alina Ușurelu

Drifting objects, unwanted objects, dysfunctional components, detached or broken, scratched or corroded, more or less replaceable fragments, signs want they went through during scientific experiments or artistic processes, now hidden in drawers and archives.
Reliquaries for the Fungible starts from an investigation of the methodological similarities of research and experiment in art and science, materialized through a series of de-objectified objects in a speculative experiment about care and abandonment. The used and discarded components are now recontextualized, value-wise and physically, in five reliquaries that invite approach but at the same time react to the disruptive factors, human or environmental, that were part of the factors that initially led to their obsolescence.
Connected to different environmental sensors (light, proximity, temperature, or humidity), the surrounding factors, often not noticed or disregarded, are sonified, gently forcing a recognition of our own influence over what surrounds us. Creating a bi-directional relationship, the experience can either be either transformed into a game of influences or push the visitor away in order not to disrupt the technological eco-system.
Andrei Tudose

Developed in the framework of the Tech Rider’s Dilemma project, powered by Marginal,

Creative team:
Sabina Suru – concept, artistic and research direction
Andrei Tudose – curatorial direction
Andrei Văcaru – creative code
Antoni Rayzhekov – technical support (sound)

Technicians from the Glass Department at UNArte – technical support / glass, Ioana Vreme Moser, Antoni Rayzhekov and Maria Nalbantova – components, PhD student Vlad Petru Toma, Dr. Ana Maria Udrea, Dr. Cristina Achim (Popa), and Dr. Bogdana Mitu – INFLPR / research support, Atelier 13

Sabina Suru is a postdigital artist with a profound love for misplaced and forgotten objects, technologies and stories. She believes that reactivating or adapting techniques or technologies which get so easily buried underneath ever-growing novelty, does more than help keep old wisdom (as dramatic as it may sound), but rather bring about new knowledge and new approaches to technology, science and art, becoming an ever transforming hybrid.