The screenings will take place in 4 rooms (3 within the Corneliu Miklosi Museum and one in the former STPT workshops).
Room notes by Marina Oprea.

October 3-4: 6 PM – 8 PM
October 5-6: 4 PM – 8 PM

Still video – Hantao Li, Natura 2040, 2024

ROOM 1 : Echoes in the Machine

This selection contemplates the fluid essence of human existence, where the lines between virtual landscapes and tangible realities blur and dissolve. Ideas, emotions, and personal histories flow through the web of memory and data, reframing the self in the shadow of technology’s ever-expanding presence.
The body emerges as a site where identity and personal history are inscribed and reimagined. These videos explore the delicate interplay of memory, space, and being – where personal dwellings expand into the virtual, and the intimate becomes entangled with the speculative. In this fictitious continuum, presence is both fleeting and fixed, endlessly shaped by the tensions between what we recall and what is digitally encoded.
This is a meditation on existence in the digital age, where humanity is both creator and subject, forever negotiating its place between the real and the artificial, the remembered and the imagined.

Noviki (Poland), The Dream of the Machine, 14:14, 2024

Lisa Marie Schmitt (Germany), Not so Kool’haas, 09:35, 2022

Albert Sten (Sweden), A Hard Currency of Memories, 10:08, 2024

Jiawen Uffline (China), Let Yourself Lḛäk a Little, 07:49, 2024

Johannes Gierlinger (Austria), Barricades are Bridges and Ideas Cannot be Shot, 12:00, 2023

SeoJin Moon (Korea), Zin Nyein Aye (Myanmar), 异人入户 Moments in Motion, 02:33, 2024

Katsuki Nogami (Japan), Body Memory, 04:40, 2024

Paulius Sliaupa (Lithuania), Winterteller, 12:15, 2024

ROOM 2 : The Sound and Language of Data

Data breathes, grids pulse, and charts become abstract symphonies, where information flows like an endless river of evolving form. Here, statistics are no longer confined to depictions but are transformed into a medium of pure aesthetic exploration. Through a confluence of axes, numbers, maps, and motion graphics, these works transcend depiction, weaving soundscapes and visuals into a layered exploration of the digital sublime. Data becomes more than a tool – it emerges as a living, breathing medium, constantly shifting and evolving in a perpetual loop of innovation.
This selection asks not just what data represents but what it can become, as imagery builds, deconstructs, and reconfigures itself in an endless cycle of motion and sound, reflecting on the relentless gathering of information and questioning how we think about, feel, and assimilate it in an age of endless streams.

Harvey Goldman, Jing Wang (United States), Entropy of Truth, 05:48, 2024

Leon Butler (Ireland), Lana Tankosa Nikolic & Martina Scarpelli (Denmark), Imagined Islands, 01:10, 2024

Maciek Stępniewski (Poland), Deathwaves (or a Fungal Hecatomb), 04:59, 2023

Marco Joubert (Canada), A Different Goal, 03:26, 2023

Max Hattler (Germany), O/S, 05:00, 2023

Beáta Kolbašovská (Slovakia), Agape / Temporary Echoes, 04:30, 2024

Alex Halka (Romania), Ephemeral Pulse, 02:11, 2024

Rosario Grieco (Italy), Data Shapes, 10:00, 2024

Andrea Amadei (Italy), 45000 Frames of the Sea at Sunset, 06:49, 2024

Katrin Hahner (Germany), Hypercycle Jazz, 06:36, 2024

ROOM 3 : Pathways of Perception  

A vibrant digital ecology unfurls, where 3D renders and artificial intelligence intertwine to craft a dialogue between the natural world and the intricacies of societal constructs. These works explore visual phenomena that transcend mere representation, seeking to reintegrate the ephemeral into the fabric of reality.
Volumetric compositions rise, echoing folklore and the mystique of human experience, as ancient tales meld the mystical with the mechanical. Some works take on a documentary format, challenging conventional storytelling, while others immerse the viewer within the liminal spaces between nature and artifice, between belief and skepticism. 
Here lies a profound exploration of what it means to be human in an age where the boundaries blur, urging us to reconsider our place within this evolving digital landscape – a sanctuary of transformation where the familiar becomes extraordinary.

m’lk (South Africa), The Water Street Jellyfish, 08:27, 2024

Miguel Angel Escobar Ramos (Colombia), Jungle Arrangement: Intestinal Bird, 09:40, 2024

Sandra Crisp (United Kingdom), strange attractors […1,000 years], 05:26, 2023

Jo Ngo (Vietnam), Salvation Horizon, 05:07, 2024

S4RA (Portugal), bot3quim, 04:45, 2023

Taietzel Ticalos (Romania), interference, 05:36, 2023

Nicoleta Mures (Romania), Soul Transfer Complete, 02:23, 2022

Keens Vereeniging (Spain), More (No) More, 03:29, 2024

Pablo Nieto Mercado (México), Atl, 10:12, 2022

Úrsula San Cristóbal (Spain), Memento Mori, Memento Vivere, 04:10, 2024

Ana Esteve Reig (Spain), Lucky Images, 08:55, 2024

Ioana Bilea (Romania), A Panoply of Objects, 02:38, 2024

Llorenç Garcia Bas (Spain), Hypnotic Mechanisms, 08:06, 2024

Luis Carlos Rodriguez (Spain), J.L. Berthelot (France), TEXtrucTURAS, 08:50, 2024

ROOM 4 : Fractured Realities

Visionary realms blossom, unveiling futures woven with ecological advancements and the promise of technological harmony. As the remnants of the old world gradually fade, they make way for alternate realities that beckon us toward new modes of existence. As human consciousness survives and evolves as avatars, the fusion of the digital and the physical creates a tapestry of speculative fiction that illuminates the path forward. 
These works engage with the commodification of nature, questioning our relationship with the environment as they propose innovative models for interacting with the endangered natural world. In these explorations, the boundary between human-made structures and natural ecosystems disappear, crafting spaces where technology and nature coexist harmoniously.  
As we stand at the precipice of transformation, this selection invites us to dream of a world where ecological integrity is not just preserved but celebrated, where the digital and the organic converge into a singular vision of unity.

Sandrine Deumier (France), Electrical-darkness, 04:05, 2024

Gohar Martirosyan (France / Armenia), The Mount A, 08:35, 2024

Cezar Mocan (Romania), Welcome to Arcadia Inc., 05:17, 2024

Hantao Li, Shuting Cui (China), NATURA 2040, 11:05, 2024

John Butler (United Kingdom), The Fourth Planet, 09:30, 2024

Rebeca Pascenco (Romania), Infinity Skies – The First Space Hotel, 03:21, 2024

Tansy Xiao (United States), LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor), 02:43, 2024

Milan Antic (Serbia), The Dream, 05:00, 2023